Opening Weekend 2007

Unless otherwise noted, images on this page are copyright © 2007 Jo-Ann Schmidli and are used with permission.

Dolly at the Swiss show.

David Schmidli, one of Dolly's biggest fans, tries his hand at the Alp Horn, above, and spinning a coin in a bowl below.

Jo-Ann's husband, Heinz, left, with Hansueli Alder, who led the Swiss band, after the two discuss their homeland. Heinz immigrated from Switzerland in more than 50 years ago.

Each year, David creates a hand-made gift for Dolly to present to her at the parade. She always asks her security guards to either allow him to approach the float to give it to her or for them to be sure to get the gift from him and hand it to her. Here, she points at him and says "Hi David -- I love you!" before asking a guard to collect his gift for this year to give to her. Image by Lisa Wilson.

See all photos from the weekend here.